Comptonia peregrina

Common Name: Sweet-Fern

SKU: Sweet-Fern

Comptonia peregrina

Common Name: Sweet-Fern

SKU: Sweet-Fern
A small shrub from a distance, a monster presenceĀ up close. Sweet-fern is restricted to well-drained sites that are rocky, sandy or sloped, and there is no way around this. In fact, they prove very durable on poor soils. The fern-like leaves lend a fuzzy, alm ...

$32.00 1 gallon

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Plant Details

Plant Type
Soil Type
Dry, Medium Dry
Light Exposure
Full Sun
Bloom Period
Sandy Soils, Woodlands
Growth Form
Colonizing/Spreading, Ground cover, Shrubby/Multi-stemmed/Low Branching
Growth Rate
Fall Color
Russet Orange
Max height3 Feet Max width5 Feet
Sizing Options
1 Gallon, 5 Gallon