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Plant type
Soil Type
Light exposure
Bloom Period
Growth form
Growth rate
Flower color
Fall color
Maximum Height in Feet
(Less than 1 Foot)(Less than 1 Foot)
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Gift Cards
Quercus palustris
Pin Oak -
Quercus prinoides
Dwarf Chinquapin Oak -
Quercus rubra
Red Oak -
Quercus velutina
Black Oak -
Quercus x schuettei
Schuette’s Oak -
Ratibida pinnata
Yellow Coneflower -
Rhus aromatica
Fragrant Sumac -
Rhus copallinum
Shining Sumac -
Rhus glabra
Smooth Sumac -
Ribes americanum
Wild Black Currant -
Ribes aureum
Golden Currant -
Ribes cynosbati
Eastern Prickly Gooseberry -
Ribes missouriense
Wild Gooseberry -
Rosa blanda
Early Wild Rose -
Rosa carolina
Pasture Rose -
Rosa palustris
Swamp Rose -
Rosa setigera
Illinois Rose -
Rubus occidentalis
Black Raspberry -
Rubus odoratus
Purple Flowering Raspberry -
Rudbeckia hirta
Black-Eyed Susan -
Rudbeckia laciniata
Cut-Leaf Coneflower -
Rudbeckia subtomentosa
Sweet Black-Eyed Susan -
Rudbeckia triloba
Brown-Eyed Susan -
Ruellia humilis
Wild Petunia -
Ruellia strepens
Smooth Petunia -
Salix discolor
Pussy Willow -
Salix humilis
Prairie Willow -
Salix nigra
Black Willow -
Sambucus nigra var. canadensis
Elderberry -
Sambucus racemosa
Red Elderberry
Showing 271–300 of 362 products